I have never had a domination session before and I’m scared. Can you be gentle?

You can state all of these concerns in your questionnaire, which is located on the Sessions Page. Tell me all of your limits and they will be respected. Each session is catered to the specific person so there is no such thing as “doing it wrong” (unless you are topping from the bottom, or being disrespectful of course)

Can I order a custom clip that will not be posted on your clipstore?

Yes but you will have to pay double, which means 300 dollars for an average custom clip, in order to make up for the sales I will not get from it on my clipstore. Regular custom clips cost 150 (using your name adds 50 dollars to the cost)

Can I be in your videos instead of paying you for a session?

This question is insulting and shows that you have never spent money on my clipstore, probably haven’t even seen it, in fact. If you had browsed on my clipstore for even 5 minutes you would see that I pretty much never shoot with slaves and if I do, it is very mild stuff. So no, offering to be a video slave is not a way to get a freebie session. Open your wallet and pay for play.

Can I go on a date with you? I am not submissive.

You can take me out to dinner but you have to pay my hourly rate of 250 dollars. If you think you can catch my interest within the time you book, you are welcome to try, but I am not going to spend my time on a stranger for free.

Can I be your personal slave instead of pay for sessions? I want to be more than just a client.

The only personal slaves I have are domestic slaves. They clean my place, can be personal drivers or do other useful things but they do not get sessions/free domination. If you are a truly selfless domestic slave that simply enjoys making my life easier in this way, and you are LOCAL, we can work something out but I certainly have no need for a free guy to dominate. My job allows me to get paid to have fun.

4 Responses to FAQ

  1. luke says:

    hi i am interested in your ABDL/sissification session,
    i’m just curious what you usually do

  2. Mike says:

    Hello Gorgeous,
    I have never done this before , but saw your pic and really would like to see you. I’m sure I could handle all pain just to spend sometime with you, just most important question : do you provide escort service also?

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